April 14 2012 – Dear Sirs,
We the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) strongly disagree with Nestle’s latest annual report that falsely claims that your company is implementing its human rights responsibilities globally when in fact it is still violating basic Trade Union rights in Panjang, Indonesia and in Kabirwala, Pakistan.
We insist that all Workers in Panjang who were fired for exercising their right to industrial action by striking are re-instated without any repercussions to them or their family and colleagues.
We also insist that all charges against the Kabirwala Contract workers who have to work under abusive conditions and a pattern of lawlessness are dropped.
Employment rights need to be given a priority at Nestle not a back seat and Trade Union rights adhered too.
The stike at Panjang was not illegal but the firing of the president of the Nestle Kabirwala Workers Action committee, Ashfaq Butt certainly was.
We insist you intervene to stop the Nespressure and look forward to hearing from you soon with positive news.
Yours Sincerely,
Andy Smith, International Solidarity Liaison Officer
We the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) strongly disagree with Nestle’s latest annual report that falsely claims that your company is implementing its human rights responsibilities globally when in fact it is still violating basic Trade Union rights in Panjang, Indonesia and in Kabirwala, Pakistan.
We insist that all Workers in Panjang who were fired for exercising their right to industrial action by striking are re-instated without any repercussions to them or their family and colleagues.
We also insist that all charges against the Kabirwala Contract workers who have to work under abusive conditions and a pattern of lawlessness are dropped.
Employment rights need to be given a priority at Nestle not a back seat and Trade Union rights adhered too.
The stike at Panjang was not illegal but the firing of the president of the Nestle Kabirwala Workers Action committee, Ashfaq Butt certainly was.
We insist you intervene to stop the Nespressure and look forward to hearing from you soon with positive news.
Yours Sincerely,
Andy Smith, International Solidarity Liaison Officer