We’re a relatively large branch that covers most of the South West of England. We have a pool of reps and regularly look to train more.

The branch is mostly active in casework and organising campaigns. Recent casework successes have been:
* Recovery of unpaid wages in the care sector and bar & hospitality sector.
* Representing Fellow Workers in grievances and disciplinary meetings, with victories including the reinstatement of a Fellow Worker after they had been dismissed.
* Representing a Fellow Worker and securing a win in an unfair dismissal case at employment tribunal
Details of Meetings:
We usually meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at Hydra Bookshop in Bristol. Contact the branch secretary to find out more.
We try and deal with administrative issues on the Members Forum (open to all branch members in Good Standing) and keep face-to-face meeting time for organising and discussions.