London General Membership Branch is an active and growing branch of the IWW. We are centred in London but we also have active groups in nearby towns. We welcome all workers, students, retirees and unemployed to join.
The areas of our greatest presence are:
- education
- retail/restaurants
- construction.
Members from the branch are involved in various groups:
Organising in and around London
If you wish to organise at your workplace, please contact us. Our volunteers are experienced and committed. They will help you build a union presence on the job. They will help you develop innovative direct action with sound legal knowledge on disciplinary and grievance issues. We are active in nearby towns outside London, such as Brentwood, Croydon, Milton Keynes and Watford.
The IWW offers
- good advice
- solid support
- a friendly community of activists.
We pride ourselves on autonomy, militancy and solidarity.
Monthly Meetings: every second Tuesday of the month
London IWW meets every second Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 PM, in 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH (nearest tube Blackfriars). For directions, see http://maydayrooms.org/contact. If you have any special needs, please contact us. We will do our utmost to meet your requirements. If you have children, you are welcome to bring them to the meeting.