This 8 March STRIKE against: unpaid work / exploitative work / the gender pay gap / unpaid domestic and care work / gender roles / gender binarism / sexism / transphobia / abortion laws / persecution and prosecution of sex work and so much more.

This year, on 8th March women and non-binary people of all backgrounds in more than 30 countries across the globe will be holding an international Women’s Strike. Huge demonstrations and walkouts are planned in various European, Latin American and Northern American countries.
International Women’s Strike US/ Paro Internacional de Mujeres EUA promotion video.
Ireland’s strike for repeal, according to polls 68% said they will be supporting the strike.
In the IWW we encourage people to support and take part in the strike by taking a day or a few hours off work and joining demonstrations where you live. This includes domestic work of course!
We understand though that this may not be possible for everyone, so here are some ideas about other things you can do:
boycott companies that have sexist adverts and that exploit women and non binary people
share stuff on social media to get the word out (see below for suggested hashtags and phrases)
wear a visible piece of clothing to support the strike, like a shocking pink ribbon or hat
join events and demonstrations after work
For those of you who are already IWW members we urge to become involved and active in your local branches and groups, and nationally. The opportunities are limitless: you can train to be come a union rep or an organiser and support people in their workplaces; you can take up a role within your branch or group and become Secretary, Communications Officer, Treasurer, Training Officer, DEC delegate…If you have already done this, aim higher: join a department or committee you are interested in and put yourself forward for a National Officer position.
If you are not a member yet and you are reading this and feeling like you want to join this smasher of a union, here is how:
On this website you can find lots of information and contact details for all our branches and groups all over – send an email if you have any doubts or if you’d like to talk to someone before joining!
Here is an article written by a IWW member about their experiences of being a womyn in the union:
“A womyn’s place is in her union”, by a member from Bristol
IWW branches across the UK will be involved with actions throughout the day including hosting events to coincide.
Twitter hashtags :
#8March #WomenStrike #GlobalWomenStrike #niunamenos #IWD2017 #WomensDay