The 8th Amendment to the Constitution in Ireland has been a source of oppression and tragedy for countless people over its 34-year life span. The Irish branch of Industrial Workers of the World stands in solidarity with the Abortion Rights Campaign and other pro-choice groups in calling for Repeal.
The purpose of a constitution is to restrict the power of the government, not the freedoms of citizens. The fact that Article 40.3.3 was brought in front of government is a symptom of the fundamental dysfunction of the Irish state and its disregard for the dignity, not to mention personal safety, of its citizens, in particular women and those who can become pregnant.
It is also worth mentioning that even if the 8th Amendment is repealed in the south of Ireland the struggle continues in the north of Ireland where abortion remains almost illegal and where the IWW will keep supporting the caampaign for reproductive rights.
Abortion Rights are Workers’ Rights and the IWW will not stand back and allow the ruling and employing classes to continue to divide our workplaces and communities. As an organisation, and as a diverse group of individuals, IWW members in Ireland will be campaigning in solidarity with the Abortion Rights Campaign in the coming months to Repeal the 8th.
In Solidarity!