Matteo Parlati a shop steward for the FIOM-CGIL union at Ferrari Auto along with 13 others are being denounced for their counter-demonstration against a march by neo-fascists last October. During the demonstration Matteo was clubbed in the head by the police but is instead accused of resisting police.
The Industrial Workers of the World are alarmed to hear of state attempts to justify fascist organisations in Italy.
Last October Matteo Parlati a shop steward for the FIOM-CGIL Union at Ferrari Auto was involved in a basic responsibility of all Working Class Trade Unionists, that of demonstrating against neo-nazi right wing thugs, but instead of being praised for his actions in raising awareness of the absurdity of racism he and thirteen other demonstrators are being accused of resisting police and to have had a ‘moral responsibility’ for the clashes between police and anti-fascists.
As a world wide Union proud of its many varied nationalities we stand in Solidarity with Matteo and all anti-fascists in our condemnation of  all states and their instruments of power who show a lack of concern at attempts to divide the Working Classes by right wing extremists,  who wish to act like machines with their blind allegiance to their rulers rather than trying to work towards Workers emancipation.
We call on you to drop all denunciations of anyone involved in anti-fascist activities and look forward to hearing from you with positive news on the stamping out of neo-nazi organisations in Italy.
Andy Smith, International Solidarity Liaison Officer